GOGA Chairperson’s message for 2020

Dear GOGA Alumni,

I bring you greetings from the Gayaza Old Girls Association (GOGA) Executive team and hope that 2020, turns out for the good for all of us and carries freshness into this 2020-2030 decade.  I note that 2019 went with many losses of many of our dear loved ones for which we continue to trust God for renewed strength.  On the other hand I also note that many old Gayaza Alumnae soared to new heights. Allow me say that you are all making us proud and I urge you to continue in the same vein. Our core values are limitless in enabling us to attain even greater success this year. 2019 was exciting for GOGA and God blessed the many plans we had drawn for the year. The highlights of the year were:

  • The month of JUNE– Gayaza Day celebration with Nnalinya Dorothy Nassolo as Chief Guest marked the launch of Gayaza Junior School Chapter (GAJUSH) Chaired by Marrietta Ntulume.
  • Head teacher hand over.

The School went through a transition where we appreciated and recognized the long service rendered to GHS by Mrs. Victoria Kisarale for 12 years who retired in the civil service handing over on 23th August 2019. She was noted as the longest serving head teacher whose legacy will always be imprinted on the school.  In the same vein we welcomed the new head teacher Mrs. Robinah Katongole-Kizito and we wish her a good tenure and contribution of yet more building blocks to the school.

  • GOGA led services

There were three services led by GOGA at the High School Chapel. There was one in each term with proceeds donated to our administration block project. Class of 1983 led in term III. The trend will be upheld with other classes called upon to lead the services.

  • Tukigale Concert

The class of 1991 led by Sylvia Nabayego Kauma organized a concert code named TUKIGALE at the Serena Hotel, Victoria Ball room on 5th October 2019. It was spectacular! Thumbs up to the organizers and the support from the different sponsors, friends and well-wishers. The proceeds amounting to UGX120m from the concert went towards settling the outstanding due to the Project Contractor for completion of Phase 1 of the project, leaving a total balance of UGX20m.

To those who pledged we are most appreciative for the support and request that the pledge be settled by contacting me or directly paying into the account details provided or on the website.

  • GOGA 1-Year Strategic Plan

In November 2019, the GOGA Executive drew the first ever GOGA Strategic Plan 2019- 2020, a short term plan to fit within our tenure of office.

In this plan, we determined the Mission Statement to be:

“To mobilize and Support the Gayaza Old Girls while giving back to the schools.”

We agreed on a common Vision:

“To Create a Strong Connected and Collaborative GOGA Community”

Our key deliverables being:

  • Mentorship of student body and teachers
  • Mobilization and networking of members in Uganda and through the chapters
  • Involvement in projects initiated by the school


This strategy has been developed with an objective of meeting the outputs founded in the following Key Result Areas:

  • Drafting GHS strategic plan 2019-2024

We have also been part of the process of designing the strategic direction for the school. AS key stakeholders, we are in agreement with the key pillars; which are; academic excellence and holistic education, infrastructure, people and welfare development and lastly governance and management structures for resource mobilization and financial oversight. This strategic plan is yet to be approved by the Board and other relevant stakeholders. I trust that many of us can be of great value in supporting any one or the other pillars mentioned above.

We would like to call upon alumni and also invite friends and well-wishers to support this noble cause. The funds can be channelled to addresses at the end of this letter.

  • Plans for 2020
  • GOGA led service at the school in each term. We are requesting classes of 1962, 2008, 2003 and 1988 to lead services in the respective terms. The dates will be confirmed in due course by the School Chaplain.
  • Commissioning of the community clock at Gayaza Quadrangle spearheaded by GAJUSH Chapter.
  • Gayaza Day in Gayaza High School where we plan to hand over the administration block to the school.
  • The Gayaza Old Girls Annual Event in October with the year of 1990 as organizers.
  • Christmas Carols spearheaded by Gayaza Singers.
  • The GOGA AGM coming up in May this year will also feature election of new office bearers. The date will be confirmed.
  • The GOGA UK Chapter Annual Event is also scheduled to take place in May.

Visit our Events website page on www.gayazaoldgirls.com/events for more details.

For and on behalf of the association I am appealing to alumni across the world to become members of the association in order to contribute to the objectives of GOGA. Whilst the executive sacrifices their time they do not in any way get paid for the services they render. The association does incur operational costs, which are funded from the GOGA association finances collected from membership. We are relying on your support, advice and counsel to see that these activities, which are meant to enhance, networking, keep up the community spirit, and build the school environment.

We wish you a Blessed and Fruitful 2020.

Yours Sincerely,

Rebecca Bukenya Ssabaganzi

President GOGA